Placing blocks on grass will replace it.Crafting recipe for ladder now yields 3 ladders instead of 2.Retextured leather armor to allow it to be dyed, but did not implement dyed armor.1.4.6 feature: Dropped items are rendered in 3D.Dropped items will spin around (like blocks).Fix to display a message when maximum boats are reached.Iron golem, ocelot, cat and baby villager.Jungle wood, plank, stairs, leaves, sapling, slab, cocoa pod, redstone lamp.

Chiseled stone bricks, ocelot spawn egg, mob heads (there are wither skeleton skulls, although wither skeletons have not been introduced to the game.).Added a Favorites tab to the Skin Selector menu, storing most recently used skins.Full versions of mash-up packs are paid content. 'Mash-up pack' are a combination of resources (textures, BGMs, and so on) and "themed worlds" (world data), making Minecraft look like another game.